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2024 STED Workshop

The facility is welcoming its new STEDYCON unit with a free workshop! If you want to learn more about Abberior's STED technology, capabilities, and sample prep guidelines, attend the virtual talk on Monday, Aug. 19th at 11AM EST or request the recording. If you are interested in a STED trial, you can request materials from the facility (dyes and coverslips) as well as an early September imaging session.

All sign-ups can be done here. Information about the STEDYCON is available at the AXR Equipment and Rates page. Please contact Emery Ng ( with any questions.

New Instrument Available!

The Nikon AXR point scanning confocal with an NSPARC array detector is ready to be used! See the Equipment and Rates tab for more information on the instrument. Please contact Emery ( for a consultation or to use the instrument.

Want to learn more about the AXR, and how it compares with the SoRa? Email Emery to request a link to a recorded Nikon talk regarding these instruments.

August 2024 Demo! Zeiss Lattice Lightsheet 7

This August, a demo unit of Zeiss's Lattice Lightsheet 7 will be in 157A in Steger Hall. The lattice lightsheet provides high resolution, high speed, and gentle imaging of various samples, imaging up to 200 microns deep. Traditional sample imaging carriers (such as 35mm dishes, slides, chambered coverglass) can be used.

Interested in learning more about the technology and what you might use it for? View the recorded talk here!

Interested in scheduling a demo timeslot? Tell us about your sample(s) and when you'd like to demo here!