Ignacio Moore
- Department of Biological Sciences
- College of Science
Dr. Moore researches the hormonal mechanisms mediating behavior in free-living animals. The scope of his work includes a wide variety of vertebrates (reptiles, amphibians, birds) in many different types of environments (arctic, deserts, and tropics).
Animals are continually exposed to environmental and social stimuli and must respond accordingly. Hormones and behavior are two predominant and interconnected ways to respond to such stimuli. Two primary foci of the research conducted in Moore's lab are reproduction and stress and interactions between the two. Almost all work is performed in the field on free-living animals.
Moore's studies of reproduction include questions such as: how do animals translate social and environmental cues into hormones and then behavior? How do animals respond to territorial challenges associated with reproduction? How have populations evolved to their unique environments?
Moore studies of stress include questions such as: How do animals respond to social and physical stressors they encounter in their environment? Is being a parent stressful?