Samantha Harden
- Department of Human Nutrition, Foods, and Exercise
- College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
Dr. Harden explores factors that speed or impede the translation of evidence-based physical activity interventions into their intended practice settings (e.g. clinic, community).
There are many ways of describing physical activity: exercise, play, movement, fitness, and the list goes on. Each term has different connotations for different people.
As the Director of the Physical Activity Research and Community Implementation Laboratory, Dr. Harden aims to integrate behavior change strategies in the systems in which people live, work, play, and learn. The vision of the PARCI lab is to use "[their] talents, expertise, and passion to serve others." Members of the lab accomplish this through evidence-based adaptations, training, and evaluation to ensure the best fit intervention is adopted and sustained within practice settings.
As a registered yoga teacher and academic, Dr. Harden uses science and the personal experience of clients, participants, and her self to promote that being active can change your life: You can avoid chronic disease, feel better in your body & mind, reduce social isolation, and maintain or find a better quality of life."