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Guiding Principles & Strategic Priorities

Fralin Life Sciences Institute Guiding Principles graphic

Fralin Life Sciences Institute Guiding Principles graphic

Dear Fralin Life Sciences Community, 

Education and innovative research are central to achieving our goals, both as individuals and as a society. We at the Fralin Life Sciences Institute at Virginia Tech are privileged to be in a position to support that positive future.

The Institute is here to support you now and as we ramp up our academic, research, and outreach programing. Every day, we are truly impressed with how our community has come together to tackle these challenges.

We would like to introduce four guiding principles that will help focus our efforts.  When making decisions and taking action on behalf of the Fralin Life Sciences Institute, we will consider these four principles, and we would like you to as well.  Ask yourself, how do my decisions and actions help:

• Encourage and foster diversity and inclusion 
• Support the collaborative success of the Virginia Tech community
• Discover innovative solutions to global challenges
• Promote effective and efficient operations

The evolving vision for the Institute will be based on these guiding principles so that we can improve the human condition by supporting innovative environmental and life sciences research, education, and outreach.

Fralin Life Sciences Institute Strategic Priorities graphic

The developing vision for the Institute will also be based on these strategic priorities:  conducting paradigm-shifting science, developing next leaders, and impacting communities. 

The forward progress of shaping the vision and programs of the Fralin Life Sciences Institute continues. We regularly meet with leaders of academic units, research centers, and various organized research groups to support our robust academic and research portfolios.

We are excited to have the opportunity to lead the Fralin Life Sciences Institute as we focus on some of the most pressing global challenges of our time.

The Fralin Life Sciences Institute Leadership Team