How Loan Program Works

How Does the Loan Program Work?
In mid-May, loan forms for the next academic year become available. Complete and return the loan form, identifying each kit that you would like to borrow. Initial scheduling for loans is completed by early August, but requests will continue to be accepted after that time and filled on a space-available basis.
The loan period for the DNA Biotechnology, Protein Electrophoresis and Column Chromatography Kits is two weeks. The Slime Mold and Immunology Kits have a three-week loan period.
Fralin Life Sciences Institute pays round-trip shipping between Virginia Tech and the school. All kits (except the Immunology Kit) ship on Wednesday by FedEx for delivery by 4 pm on the first Monday of the loan period. The Immunology Kit ships on Monday for delivery on Tuesday morning; the kit contains materials that are temperature-sensitive and must be properly stored upon receipt. We ask that kits are shipped back on the Monday or Tuesday following the loan period.
Kit Reservations and Scheduling
To request a kit, complete the Loan Request Form and return the form by email to Remember to include four date choices for each kit requested. Forms that are received by mid-July will be included in the first round of scheduling. Teachers will receive loan confirmations by early August.
- If you have multiple teachers at your school who wish to use one of the equipment-heavy kits (DNA, Protein Electrophoresis, Thermal cycler), please try to coordinate your requests. Include additional teacher names on the loan form. We can schedule extended loans, when possible, for large numbers of students.
- Block/Semester Scheduling. During initial scheduling for the academic year, we can only accept a single request per kit for the equipment-heavy kits (DNA, Protein Electrophoresis, Thermal cycler). If you would like to borrow a kit(s) for the second semester, contact us directly for a list of loan slots available and submit a new request for the second semester.
- If you have your own equipment for the DNA Biotechnology Kit, we can provide just the expendables (supplies/solutions/samples) for the experiment. Simply indicate YES for “expendables only” on the loan form and select the items you will need at the bottom of the form.
- Receiving the Kit
You will receive an email from FedEx when the kit ships from Virginia Tech, and a second email when it is delivered to the school. Unpack the kit and check the contents when the kit arrives. A checklist is included with the kit. Email immediately if anything is missing from the kit.
- Preparing to use the Kit
Download the kit manual from the Biotech-in-a-Box website or on this platform. Carefully read the descriptions of the preparations that must be done prior to the experiment.
- Returning the Kit
Please repack the kit carefully. Return unused expendables: pipettes, pipette tips, tubes, ELISA plates, unopened solutions in tubes, solutions in bottles, TMB tablets from the Immunology Kit, sample solution from the Chromatography Kit. Use the checklist to track the kit supplies and return the checklist with the kit. Ship the kit back on the Monday or Tuesday following the loan period. If needed, extensions can be accommodated.