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'Agricultural Resilience' sets tone for Translational Plant Sciences Center annual symposium

Panelists seated on high tops for the Translational Plant Sciences Center annual symposium's panel discussion.
A panel discussion included Virginia Tech faculty, along with invited guests Amélie Gaudin, associate professor of agroecology at the University of California, Davis (far left) and Eric von Wettberg, associate professor of crop genetic heritage at the University of Vermont (second from the right). Photo by Felicia Spencer of Virginia Tech.

The 2025 Translational Plant Sciences Symposium's 'Agricultural Resilience' held on Feb. 21 at the Inn at Virginia Tech, hosted more than 125 attendees.

Two guest speakers, Eric von Wettberg, Associate Professor of Crop Genetic Heritage at the University of Vermont; and Amélie Gaudin, Associate Professor of Agroecology at the University of California, Davis, came to share their knowledge and participated in the previous day’s workshop.

The symposium highlighted multiple graduate students who shared their current research in flash talks, a panel discussion focused on partnerships with growers with both Virginia Tech and external faculty members, along with 35 poster presentations from undergraduates, graduate students, and postdocs. 

Eight prospective graduate students participated in events throughout the week, including meeting with current graduate students, faculty, and the Translational Plant Sciences Center Director David Schmale, as well as touring university facilities and attending the symposium.