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A Nikon Ti2 inverted microscope is shown with an AX scanhead on its left port, and an NSPARC array detector unit attached to the back of the AX scanhead.


The Nikon AXR is a point scanning confocal built around the inverted Ti2E microscope, with additional resolution provided by the NSPARC APD array detector, which improves signal-to-noise and extends resolution, and a super resolution Abberior STEDYCON module, with lateral resolution down to 30nm.


  • Nikon inverted Ti2E with PerfectFocus gen. 4
  • Prior piezo z stage with 600µm range
  • Okolab stagetop incubator
Laser units
  • LUA-S4 and LunF-combiner 405 / 445 / 488 / 515 / 561 / 594 / 640 / 730

Objective Lenses
Mag NA W.D. (mm) Immersion Corr
2X* 0.1 8.5 Air Plan Apo Lambda D
10X 0.45 4 Air Plan Apo Lambda D
20X* 0.8 0.8 Air Plan Apo Lambda D
20X 0.95 0.99 - 0.9 WI Apo LWD Lambda S
25X 1.05 0.55 Sil Plan Apo Lambda S
40X 1.15 0.61 - 0.59 WI Apo LWD Lambda S
60X 1.42 0.15 Oil Plan Apo Lambda D
100X 1.45 0.13 Oil Plan Apo Lambda D

*Available to be put in instrument, please contact Emery to request use. Use the 100X for optimal STED.

Detector units
  • DUX with 3 GaAsP (2 tunable) and 1 IR-PMT detectors
  • NSPARC array detector of 25 APDs with down to 100 nm lateral x 300 nm axial resolution
  • NIS Elements confocal package with General Analysis 3 and 2D/3D Deconvolution tools


Nikon Confocal Comparison

Check the Resources tab for information comparing the confocal microscopes!


An Abberior STEDYCON unit is shown above the Abberior Instruments logo in orange.

Abberior STED module

The STEDYCON unit is a convenient, shoebox version of Abberior's STED instruments. It is capable of acquiring up to 3 STED channels with one STED laser, given a long Stoke's shift green (488 nm excitation) dye is used, improving lateral resolution down to 30 nm. STED can be performed on a variety of fixed and live samples using appropriate dyes. A table of verified STED dyes is shown below.

  • Alignment-free design
  • Excitation lasers: 405 (CW); 488 / 561 / 640 nm pulsed
  • STED laser: 775 nm pulsed
  • Scanner: QUAD beam, 90µm x 80µm FOV (at 100X) with speed up to 1 FPS
  • Detectors: time-gated APDs
  • Browser-based software that runs on module for uninterrupted imaging


A 2D view of a diffraction-limited excitation point (blue) overlapped by a STED donut (orange) is shown on the upper left, with a graphical representation of the gaussian overlap below. The effective fluorescent spot and graph are shown on the right in green.

A 2D view of a diffraction-limited excitation point (blue) overlapped by a STED donut (orange) is shown on the upper left, with a graphical representation of the gaussian overlap below. The effective fluorescent spot and graph are shown on the right in green.
From SVI: A) A diffraction-limited excitation (blue) point overlapped by a STED donut (orange). B) The resulting effective fluorescence (green).
Table of recommended dyes for STED with 775. Abberior dyes for 640 excitation (fixed: STAR RED, STAR 625P, STAR 635; live: LIVE610, SiR) Alternative dyes for 640 excitation (fixed: ATTO647N; live: JF646). Abberior dyes for 561 excitation (fixed: STAR ORANGE; live: LIVE 550, LIVE 560, LIVE 590, LIVE ORANGE, LIVE RED). Alternative dyes for 561 excitation (fixed: AF594, ATTO594; live: ATTO590). Alternative dyes for 488 excitation, long stokes-shift, Abberior dyes (fixed: STAR 460L; live: LIVE 460L). Alternative dyes for 488 excitation, fixed: ATTO490LS.)
From Abberior: Table of recommended dyes for STED imaging with a 775 nm depletion laser.