Nikon SoRa

The Nikon SoRa (super resolution by optical reassignment) is a spinning disk confocal built around the inverted Ti2E, with enhanced resolution provided by the SoRa microlens disk and magnifiers, improving lateral resolution to 120nm. This versatile system is also equipped with a new photostimulation unit, and can be used for gentle, high-speed transmitted light, widefield, confocal, and super resolution imaging.
- Nikon inverted Ti2E with PerfectFocus gen. 4
- Prior piezo z stage with 450µm range
- Okolab Lauda cooling and heating stagetop incubator
Laser unit
- LunF-XL 405 / 445 / 488 / 514 / 561 / 594 / 640
- Standard quad (DAPI / GFP / RFP / Cy5)
- mCherry tri (CFP / YFP / mCherry)
- Standard tri (DAPI / GFP / RFP)
Objective Lenses
Mag | NA | W.D. (mm) | Immersion | DIC | Corr |
20X | 0.8 | 0.8 | Air | No | Plan Apo Lambda D |
40X | 1.25 | 0.3 | Sil | Yes | Plan Apo Lambda D |
60X | 1.42 | 0.15 | Oil | No | Plan Apo Lambda D |
60X | 1.49 | 0.16 - 0.07 |
Oil | Yes | Apo TIRF |
- 2 Hamamatsu Orca-FusionBT C15440 sCMOS
- 16-bit
- 6.5µm x 6.5µm pixel size
- 21.1mm FOV
- NIS Elements Advanced Research (AR), module, deconvolution suite
Nikon Confocal Comparison
Check the Resources tab for information comparing the confocal microscopes!